The dean’s office is an organizational unit of the faculty responsible for planning, organizing, recording, analyzing and coordinating departmental undertakings concerning teaching activities, student scientific movement, faculty student affairs, i.e. : planning and organizing education; establishing and keeping records of the course of study; documentation of granting material aid benefits to civilian students.

Faculty of Electronics - Dean's offcie

ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2
00-908 Warsaw

mgr Anna Łasica

tel.: +48 261 837 771

Civil studies | Full-time and part-time studies

Daniela Torz

tel.: +48 261 837 177

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska

tel.: +48 261 837 217

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska

tel.: +48 261 837 217

mgr Magdalena Ponurska

mgr Magdalena Sasin


tel.: +48 261 837 782, +48 261 837 103

The scope of the Dean’s Office includes:

  • coordination of projects related to the organization, planning and implementation of studies: engineering, uniform master’s degree programs and other forms of continuing education; 
  • participation in the implementation of educational quality assessment tasks; providing administrative, formal, legal and informational support for teaching and student affairs activities; 
  • organizing and participating in the development of draft study programs, subject information sheets; 
  • keeping records of the course of study; 
  • organization of conducting surveys of academic staff and students of the department; 
  • participation in organizing and conducting open days and college recruitment; 
  • participation in the planning, and implementation of departmental promotional, marketing, and outreach activities related to the educational process and student affairs; 
  • conducting an analysis of the teaching load of university teachers; 
  • developing information for the departmental website; 
  • participation in the development of , opinions on: regulations, decisions, bylaws, resolutions, model documents on the course of study, developed by the Department of Educational Organization, the Department of Student Affairs and the faculty. 
  • coordinating projects related to the preparation of student papers for the competition for the rector’s award for the best extra-curricular scientific work of WAT students and the best thesis; 
  • carrying out reports, data, analysis on the teaching activities of the department for the needs of the dean, the Faculty Education Council, the vice dean for student affairs, education, and the Department of Educational Organization and the Department of Student Affairs; 
  • preparation and development of information, reports resulting from the implementation of the educational quality assurance system in WAT and the department; 
  • participation in the development of data for parametric evaluation of the department; 
  • performing activities related to recording, completing, storing and transferring course documentation to the archives; 
  • organizing departmental ceremonies related to the inauguration and end of the academic year.